1971 - Current Quick History of Honda World

Over 50 Years of Cycle City Inc.

Ron Perry started the business Cycle City Incorporated in July 1971 as a Honda Service and repair specialist at 3068 Highland Drive after he had been working at different dealerships in Salt Lake City. He was only 17 years old at the time. Ron married Linda in 1972 and started a young family.

Ron moved the business to 3161 Highland Drive and expanded into selling parts and accessories to complement the growing service business. Ron brought 2 of his brothers (Dick and Dave Perry) into the business as partners.

Over the next 5 years the Perry Brothers added Honda Power Equipment (Generators, Tillers, and Snowblowers) they also added Toro Lawnmowers and snowblowers to their business. The brothers added the Indian motorcycle franchise and started selling used motorcycles.

In 1979 the opportunity came available to purchase the Pacer Honda dealership which was then on State Street in Murray and the Perry Brothers moved it to their new location at the corner of 3900 South and Highland Drive where the business grew for the next 25 years.

In 1980 the Polaris Snowmobile franchise was added to the product mix offered to their customers, and Cycle City recorded its first 1 million dollar sales year.

Dave Perry left the business in 1983, and Ron and Dick Perry ran the business as partners for the next 15 years. During this time, the business was known as “Perry Brothers Honda Ranch”.

The Perry brothers continued their efforts on the Highland Drive business for many more years until Dick sold his partnership to Ron in 1998. Ron has been running the store since then, but Dick worked for many more years behind the scenes as the bookkeeper of the business.

As the Honda product line continued to grow, Ron sold the Polaris Franchise in 1999 to focus more on the expanding Honda Lineup.

It was obvious that in order to continue to grow, the business would have to relocate to a much larger facility. After searching for many years, the opportunity finally came in 2005 to buy the building that the existing Exotic Imports Lamborghini dealership had been in at 10764 South 300 West, right off the freeway in the south end of the valley. The new Honda World dealership opened up in 2005 and grew like crazy for the next few years.

2006 was the first year that the Honda World store sold over 10 Million dollars of products and helped over 1000 customers own new vehicles. Honda world was becoming one of the most successful Honda dealerships in the country.

In 2008, Ron, his daughter Tiffany, and her Husband Josh took over a Honda, Yamaha, and Suzuki Dealership in Maui, Hawaii after spending some time there on vacation. They had realized that there was not as much to do there as they had hoped and knew there was a lot of opportunity with the dealership. Tiffany and Josh moved their young family to Maui to run the Cycle World Hawaii store and were very successful for the first two years until the Economic crash changed things. With the big crash, both stores were struggling, and they sold the Hawaii store so Tiffany and Josh could move back to Salt Lake and refocus their efforts on Honda World in Salt Lake.

By 2012 Things were looking up again and Ron turned Honda World into the first Honda Powerhouse facility in Salt Lake County, one of only 22 in the entire country. Ron and Linda Perry, their oldest daughter Tiffany, their Sons Trevor and Adam, and their youngest daughter Crystal were all working at the store and had assembled one of the best teams of employees and managers in the country. The team is all devoted to giving its customers excellent treatment to enhance their entire ownership experience. The amazing employees have been the biggest reason that Honda World continues to be one of the most successful dealerships in the country.

Ron was spending a lot more time in a vacation home in Mesquite, Nevada and found out that golfing is about the only kind of recreation he could do there. In 2012, He bought the Polaris dealership in Mesquite and moved it next to the freeway and started the Polaris World store. It was successful right off the bat because of emulating what He had learned from growing the Honda World store in Salt Lake.

Ron’s Daughter Tiffany and her Husband Josh soon became partners at the Polaris World store and took over as General Managers there. Polaris World has become one of the largest off-road dealerships in Utah, Nevada and Arizona, selling more Polaris RZRs than any other dealership in the region. They brought in the Can-Am franchise at that location as well and it has continued to be very successful.

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit in 2020, it changed the powersport business drastically as the supply chain of products was broken. This made it very difficult to get any amount of inventory of vehicles and accessories. With demand higher than it’s ever been for powersports products, Ron’s teams worked tirelessly to find products from all over the country to offer to their customers. Despite the new challenges they faced, both stores have been able to help more customers than ever to join the powersports industry and experience the freedom and exhilaration that comes from this industry. They have continued to offer a great customer and ownership experience that is second to none.

In 2021, Polaris Can-Am World was remodeled and expanded to triple the size of what it had been. After years of trying, they were able to add all of the Honda powersports products at that location also. As part of their commitment to offer the best customer experience, they built an off road test facility right on site so customers can really pick the very best machine that fits their needs. Over the years of growing this business, Tiffany and Josh have assembled a fantastic team of managers and employees who are all enthusiasts about riding their vehicles in the desert. This is the main reason that the Polaris Can-Am Honda store sells well over a million dollars of vehicles every month by providing their customers with the best experience possible in purchasing their products and enhancing their ownership experience.

Ron and Linda have been blessed to work alongside their children in the business, with their son Trevor working in the store since 1989, their son Adam working alongside since 1994, their daughter Tiffany working at the store since 1995, and their daughter Crystal working at Honda World since 2006. Crystal met her husband, Danny Holland, working as a salesman at Honda World in 2010. Danny was working to put himself through school to become a doctor and received his bachelors and associates degrees and even completed the MCAT. By the time He had completed all of the requirements to apply for Med-school, Danny was working as the Sales Manager. He and Crystal decided their love for the family business and the powersports industry was greater than his love for medicine and made the difficult decision to put that dream to rest and focus their efforts more fully on the business, a decision they have not looked back from. Danny was promoted to becoming the general manager of the Honda World store in 2017.

Trevor and Danny have been working hard at managing the Honda World store and helping build it into one of the most successful Honda stores in the country. Honda World now sells well over one million dollars of Hondas every month and in May of 2021 Honda World was recognized as the second highest volume Honda dealer in the entire country.

July 2021 Ron has been turning over the reins to the next generation, bringing in Trevor and Danny as partners in the Honda World store. Honda World is in good hands and is ready for the growth that is coming. Ron is spending a little more time with his wife Linda and the grandkids. They will probably never completely retire but are now enjoying the fruits of 50 years of hard work at the store.

The future looks bright here at Honda World, with a rapidly growing product line that continues to demonstrate Honda’s core values of Durability, Reliability and Quality. Honda World is constantly evolving and adapting to new ways of doing business, and new types of customers and enthusiasts. We are as committed now as we have ever been to providing our customers with an excellent buying experience, as well as continuing to support our customers throughout the entire ownership cycle. We hope our customers will continue to trust their Honda products to our Honda Factory Trained technicians. We hope Our customers will continue to trust our parts and accessories experts with recommending personalized accessories to improve their ownership experience. We hope when it’s time for our customers to upgrade to a new machine, that they will trust our passionate and experienced sales associates to help find exactly what our customers are looking for in their next vehicle and to make some personalized recommendations as to what vehicle meets their wants and needs. We hope that our customers will continue to show up at the dealership to share stories of their most recent rides and to ask us for recommendations on where to go exploring next. We love this industry, we love our customers. We are thankful for what the past 50 years have brought to us, and we hope to be here for 50 more years to continue to support our customers in this great industry!

Thank you to all who have been there to support us over the years, and thank you to Ron and Linda who have made all of this possible!


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